Thursday, October 27, 2011

Yosemite: Oct 27 - 29, 2011

     Most of our trips are pretty quick, usually only one night away, sometimes even working the morning before we leave. This trip we wanted to be able to take it easy and not have to worry about wearing ourselves out, so we stayed two nights. It was a fantastic idea. That first night we stayed in Curry Village again and played Trouble. The next morning we made our most ambitious hike yet; we took the Mist Trail to Vernal Falls. Again we showed our inexperience, getting passed up by the old and young alike, but we eventually made it to the top! It was really exciting being able to finish that. There were moments toward the end that we both wanted to stop or turn around, but we pushed on and it was definitely worth it.
     That afternoon we relaxed, strolled around the valley, and fell asleep very, very early. It was great not having to make the drive back down the mountain after a hike like that.